Pojištění – pojišťovnictví s šablonou Joomla 5 pro tvorbu stránek
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Dec 03 2024
- Quickinstall updated
- Joomla 5
- Extensions updated
- CSS fixes
- Twitter icon new added
Apr 17 2024
Quickinstall for Joomla 5
Template for Joomla 5
PHP 8.2, 8.1
Added Transform option styles to addon global settings.
Added bulk import/export functionality.
Added functionality to bulk update language, category, and access level.
Added image support for timeline add-on items.
Added alt text field for all media fields.
Added CodeMirror editor for the custom CSS field in the frontend editor.
- Fixed an issue with favoriting addons in the frontend editor.
- Fixed zindex issue with the popover addon.
- Fixed the image addon's shape column issue.
- Fixed image content display in RTL layouts.
- Fixed Optin form submission issue.
- Fixed animation field issue for special type animations.
- Fixed rich text editor's link issue for page type links.
- Improved overall stability.
Sep 28 2023
Helix Framework:
- New module position logged-in-usermenu added on user logged in menu
- Custom Style Preset $scssVars issue
- Menu icon not working
Sp Page Builder 5 NEW
- Implemented a feature to fix legacy page content for improved compatibility
- Added a new "Border" field to enhance design customization options
- Fixed multiword search issue on page list page.
- Fixed the team carousel item links
- Fixed an issue with the Tab addon's icon or image options
- Fixed a bug where accordion bodies were missing
- Fixed the missing child issue within deep nested row in the layers panel
- Included missing selector text and textrelated settings for images and icons in the modal addon
- Fixed issue displaying only the initial category in multiselect for article addon.
Sp Page Builder 3 Fixes
- Column background overlay (pattern) issue.
- Addon custom CSS auto ID generate issue.
- Droptables custom addon issue.
- Addon text editor emoji support issue.
- XSS vulnerability warning issue from Bootstrap
- Upgrade option from SP PageBuilder 3 to SP PageBuilder 5
May 08 2023
New version of SP Page Builder Version 3.8.10
Bug Fix:
- Column background overlay (pattern) issue.
- Addon custom CSS auto ID generate issue.
- Droptables custom addon issue.
- Addon text editor emoji support issue.
- XSS vulnerability warning issue from Bootstrap
All new updates are in folder Extensions-Update and can be installed manually from Joomla Administrator.
After installation, clean cache. Don't forget to make full backup before installing this update. *********************************************************************************#23.03.2023
- Extension updated to latest version.
- Update from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4
- Template updated to Joomla 4
- HikaShop compatibility and is included in Joomla 4 Quickinstall
- Quickinstall (one step demo installation) updated to Joomla 4
- Documentation updated with steps for installation
- CSS Improved
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