RAMS - Thème WordPress pour Portfolio Artist Gallery

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shoppingBag Ventes: 56


Créé: 19 mars 2019

Actualisée: 25 févr. 2025

ID: 78999

og体育首页ONE - Aucune limite pour $12.40/mois

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RAMS - Thème WordPress pour Portfolio Artist Gallery - Caractéristiques de l’image 1

Une solution de portfolio rapide et simple avec WordPress et Bootstrap

RAMS est un thème WordPress élégant, de style application, conçu pour la simplicité et la fonctionnalité. Construit sur Bootstrap 4 et Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro, il offre une expérience simplifiée avec des fonctionnalités puissantes. Le configurateur de mise en page vous permet de personnaliser votre page d'accueil et vos publications en choisissant l'ordre des éléments tels que les titres, les barres latérales, les images en vedette ou les vidéos. Vous pouvez également créer facilement de belles galeries avec le plugin Gallery en option.

Avec six styles de mise en page pour votre page d'accueil, dont le style par défaut « ramsgrid », la grille de colonnes, la grille de lignes et le style Masonry, vous disposez de nombreuses options. Des fonctionnalités telles que Packery, le filtrage isotopique et le défilement infini sont intégrées pour améliorer l'expérience utilisateur. De plus, vous pouvez personnaliser votre site avec des couleurs personnalisées pour le texte, les boutons, les arrière-plans et bien plus encore, le tout à partir d'un seul panneau de contrôle. Ce panneau de contrôle utilise une logique de « commutation » intuitive, ce qui facilite la navigation et la configuration.

RAMS est parfait pour les portfolios personnels, que vous soyez photographe, designer, peintre ou propriétaire d'une galerie. Importez simplement la démo incluse et remplacez-la par votre propre contenu pour commencer.


FEB 2025

  • Demo updated with latest plugin versions
  • Compatible with latest WP version - AUG 2024

  • Added Auto and Time options to Home Slider
  • Added Home Posts module
  • Added Categories, Works and Pages lists options to Home
  • Added TikTok and Kofi social links for footer (Removed the previously unused)
  • Fixed some PHP functions and CSS issues
  • Demo updated with latest plugin versions
  • Compatible with latest WP version - MAY 2024

  • Added Responsive logo option
  • Added Date Toggle for Works

FEB 2024

  • Demo updated with latest plugin versions
  • Compatible with latest WP version

JUL 2023

  • Demo updated with latest plugin versions
  • Compatible with latest WP version

JAN 2023

  • Demo updated with latest plugin versions
  • Added Classic Editor and Classic Widgets to TGM

1.0.8 - JUL 2022

  • Demo updated
  • Compatible with WP 6.0
  • Added new functions to Theme Settings
  • Fixed some CSS bugs 


  • Demo updated
  • Compatible with WP 5.8
  • Added Theme Updater 


  • Demo updated
  • Compatible with WP 5.7 and PHP 8
  • Removed outdated scripts


  • Demo updated
  • Compatible with WP 5.6
  • Compatible with PHP 7.4
  • Child Theme included
  • Removed Ekko Lightbox
  • Replaced Search Modal
  • Some functions optimized


  • Added fix to sidenav menu


  • Revamped Frontend with new font used (Space Mono)
  • Code and some functions optimized and rewrited
  • Added title and captions compatibility on galleries


  • Added SimpleParallax.js
  • Added dropdown transition to sidenav menu
  • Code and some functions optimized
  • Some adjustments on typography
  • Correction on documentation based on user suggestion


  • Fixes on Parallax and some CSS classes


  • Initial release

4 Commentaires sur ce produit

I have been learning to use the RAMS Theme. I am developing a detailed historical photo archive and needed a theme that could articulate categories, keywords for cross-site searches and yet look fresh and modern. After trying out many themes without success I asked Template og体育首页 for help. After listening to my use case, they suggested RAMS with a few others. The moment I saw RAMS I thought, wow this is the one. So I got going on it. I am experienced with Wordpress but not a professional developer and so had some dumb questions. The theme author was very pleasant and helpful and put me back on the path. I have decided to put a lot of time learning how the theme works first - before any major committal to uploading my content. Because of this study, I can vouch for how well it has been thought through. So I am a happy bunny and I can tell you it does not always end up like this, several of my attempts to find a theme have ended in tears. Being a realist, I do not expect a fully smooth journey but I know that the thoughtful design gone in at the start will pay dividends (as long as I don’t go and irreversibly break it). So with me its gonna be a slow process to get my site up - but that’s OK, I will get there. If you are diligent and ready to invest some learning time, I urge you to take a look at RAMS because it deserves success.
Super Thanks! 👍
Really great template, lot's of possibilities and above all, great service of the author. Top assistance, very helpfull and super fast reactions on my questions.
Super Thanks! 👍
I love this theme. There are some obstacles when trying to adapt it to mobile view. But I got immediate help from the authors to make it work.
Super Thanks! 👍
Very easy to use Template and very simple and yet sophisticated layout.

0 Commentaires pour ce produit

A propos de l'auteur

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Support rating (59 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 55 4 2 3 1 2 0 1 1
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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WordPress Builder:

WordPress Compatibility:

Compatible with:

WordPress.com Compatibility:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: